Panty Raider
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Welcome to Panty Raider, the premier alien
abduction/supermodel lingerie
CD-ROM on the market today. Panty Raider
is designed to provide the most humorous
and exciting experience possible on a
computer system. In this game,
you play Nelson -- the poor schlep forced
by three aliens to go to Model Isle and
take pictures of models in their lingerie.
Poor you! Each time you play the game, the
aliens will show you the three specific
models they want and the specific lingerie
they want them to be photographed in. And if
you don't do it in the allotted time "BOOM!"
the aliens will blow up the Earth.
Read below for instructions on how to use your tools:
x-ray glasses, camera, lures, pick up lines,
and goop, ah, wonderful goop.
Windows« 95 or 98
Pentium 133 MHz or better
16MB RAM or more
Approximately 128 MB hard disk space
4x speed or faster CD-ROM drive
Mouse and Windows« compatible soundcard
1. Put the disc in the drive. If you have
Autorun enabled, a screen will appear. Follow the
instructions to install the program. If Autorun is
disabled, go to Step 2.
2. Click on the START button, then click on RUN.
3. On the RUN line, type D:\SETUP and then click
OK or press ENTER. (If your CD-ROM drive is something
other than D, substitute the correct letter.)
4. Follow the instructions on your screen.
Once Panty Raider is installed, follow these steps
to run the program:
1. Click on the START button.
2. Click on PROGRAMS
3. Click on PANTY RAIDER
4. A submenu will open. Click on PANTY RAIDER.
5. The program will start.
After a wonderfully creative intro, the Main Menu
will appear. The Main Menu includes:
NEW: Click to start a new game.
LOAD/SAVE: Click to go to Load/Save Menu.
CREDITS: Click to see the fabulous artists and
programmers and other people that worked on this product.
EXIT: When you feel the urge to do something else.
When you click on NEW on the Main Menu, you will
go to the MISSION screen. This screen will show the
three models that you need to photograph in order to win
the game. By rolling the mouse cursor over each model,
you will also see the specific lingerie that each one
needs to be wearing when you take the photo. Note that
each time you play Panty Raider (thank you for your
purchase by the way we never said that, did we?) the
aliens will randomly (well, we call it random because
we can't figure out how they think) choose three of the
models and three sets of lingerie. So there's lots of
replayable fun to be had!!
To continue with the game, click on the MAP button.
There are three areas you can visit to look for the three
models you need to photograph. Click on the beach, the
ruins, or the forest to go to that area and then start
Once you've chosen an area to go to, you will arrive
at the game screen. Get ready for a hoot because this is
where all the fun takes place. The aliens gave Nelson a
set of tools to help him achieve his goal (if you've
forgotten: to get photos of the correct three girls in the
correct underwear) and those tools are located on
the icon bar at the bottom of the screen.
A description of your tools from left to right:
This meter with Nelson's face in front of
it is used to describe your 'health'. That is, taking
photos of the wrong models (or even the right ones
wearing the wrong lingerie), will take points off your
health. And by the way, doing pretty much anything to
any character other than a model ain't that good for
you either. When your health gets really bad, BOOM,
the game ends and the aliens destroy the planet.
The X-RAY GLASSES are used to see through
outer layers of clothing (yes, you've heard about these
before, but now you really have a pair). Click this
tool's icon to bring it up. Then, position the X-RAY
GLASSES viewfinder over a character until it shows an
image. You will get audio clues as to whether or not
this is one of the three correct models in the correct
lingerie (this way you don't have to keep going back to
the MISSION screen.)
The CAMERA is used to take pictures (wow, that's
some weird alien technology!) of models in their lingerie.
To use it, simply click the camera icon, then line up
a model in the camera's viewfinder and hold it for a
few seconds. The CAMERA will automatically take a
photo when the viewfinder turns solid red.
This device will generate really
groovy pick up lines. These will help make the
models appear more quickly. But if you use them
too often which is really uncool, man -- they will
start to scare the models away.
(Doesn't that sound familiar?)
Lures can be used to attract models once they
appear. Be careful though, because you do not
have an un-ending supply of LURES. Click the bag
to get a lure to appear, then place it where you
want by clicking on the screen.
Sends you back to the MAP Screen.
Time is an important factor in the game. When time
runs out the game is over. And, uh, oh, yeah, the
aliens blow up the Earth.
The other tool the aliens gave you is GOOP. This is
an alien substance used to disintegrate clothing.
You are supplied with an endless supply of GOOP. To
aim your throw, position the cursor over the target,
and then click the left mouse button to throw. GOOP
can be used on any character in the game.
You will need a number of direct hits to make
all the outer clothing disappear.
To win the game, you must get a photo of each of
the three models that appeared on the MISSION
screen in the lingerie shown on the MISSION
screen. And you must do it before time runs out
and before you goop too many wrong models.
You will lose the game by either photographing
or gooping three or more wrong characters or
by running out of time.
To pan RIGHT press the right arrow or the D key
To pan LEFT press the left arrow or the A key
To pan UP press the down arrow or the X key
To pan DOWN press the up arrow or the W key
If you are in the middle of a game and something
happens (say, your spouse comes walking by or
your boss!), you can follow these steps to save
your game. Then later you can load the game to start
playing it again from where you left off.
To save a game:
Click on the Map icon. At the Map screen, click
on the Main button. Once back at the Main Menu,
click the Load/Save button. This will bring up the
Load/Save Menu. Click on an empty slot. Then, click
on the SAVE button when it highlights. An
ENTER NAME dialog box will then appear. (If
you're not in the middle of a game, the SAVE
button will not highlight because there is nothing
to save.) Type a name in the box and press the ENTER
key. After all that, the game will be saved. Click
Main to go back to the Main Menu.
To load a game:
Once you have saved a game, you can load it to
start playing it again. From the Main Menu,
click on the Load/Save button. Once at the Load/Save
Menu, click on the slot containing the name of the
game you would like to play. Then click on the
LOAD button. The game should start from where you
saved. Have fun!
To delete a game:
If you have too many games saved, you can delete a
game from the list. To do this, click on the name
of the game and then click the DELETE key. The
DELETE key will not highlight if the slot does not
contain a saved game. Click Main to go back to
the Main Menu.
If you have trouble getting the program to play or
have other technical issues (don't call if you are
having trouble winning the game!), call 303 739-4020
for technical support.
You may also e-mail us at support@ssi.teksupport.com.
Simon & Schuster Interactive
Jeff Siegel - Vice President, Creative Director
Walter W. J. Walker - Vice President, Director of Marketing
Peter Von Schlossberg - Vice President, New Business
Peter Binazeski - Publicity Director
Susan Daulton - Art Director
David S. Rheinhardt - Designer
Meng Meng Lim - Production Manager
Panty Raider is based on a concept by Jeff Siegel,
who was also Executive Producer.
Developed by Hypnotix, Inc.
Executive Producer - Michael Taramykin
Producer, Art Director - John Philip Sousa
Programmers - Thomas L. Kirchner, Michael Robert Hausman
2D Artists- Anthony Pereira, Matt Larson
3D Artists- Michael Ballezzi, Ruben J. Carbonell,
Sze Wing Chan, Carlos Cheek, Joel Eckert,
Scott Rays, William T. Rooks, Jason Timmons
Panty Raider was written by Peter Elwell.
Voices by Caitlin Miller, John O'Donnell, Jamie Denbo,
Julian Rebelledo, and Nick Janik
Audio Engineer - Paul Fowlie
⌐ 2000 Simon & Schuster Interactive, a division
of Simon & Schuster, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Published by Simon & Schuster Interactive, a division
of Simon & Schuster, the publishing operation of
Viacom, Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.
Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is
a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Pentium is a
registered trademark of Intel Corporation.